I am sitting on my bed with my necklace in my mouth, waiting for the new man to get off work and listening to a mix that consists of ACDC, Ingrid, AND Taylor Swift. That's right- I like a lotta genres of music. I don't just like to stick with one. It's called v-e-r-s-a-t-i-l-i-t-y.
And it would be really funny if I just misspelled that.
I want to be an author. I want to be a writer.
And in the grand twist of things, when something really, really good happens I just don't even know what to say or write because I get embarrassed and giggle and put my head in my hands and say "AH!" I'm hoping that it is cute.
I've just seen a face I can't forget the time or place where we just met
She's just the girl for me and I want all the world to see we've met
Had it been another day, I might have looked the other way
And I'd of never been aware, but as it is I'll dream of her tonight
Falling, yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again
I have never known a like of this
I've been alone and I have missed things and kept out of sight
But other girls were never quite like this
Falling, yes I am falling and she keeps calling me back again