Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I wrote this for Mama.

This is from my book, again.

Really I am just posting this for Mama.

"When I was a little girl, I always got my way. 
Who am I kidding? I still try to get my way. I'm not ashamed to admit this to you.

The problem is, people make it easy for me to get what I want. For example, today I walked into my little sister's bedroom. She is five years younger than me but, in general, we can fit into each other's clothes. Rummaging through her closet, I found a grey shirt that would match my new grey boots. I pulled it out, and yelled for her permission. She was lying on her bed outside the closet. 

She said no because she wanted to wear it with her new grey boots. 'Pleeeease let me wear it,' I pleaded. She ignored me, so I asked again. She ignored me again, so I asked again. She looked up from her bed and said, 'You realize I'm ignoring you on purpose, right?' I smiled, sweetly saying, 'So that means I can wear it...' And she said 'FINE!'. Now I am dressed in her cute grey sweater. It wasn't hard, and now I have something to wear that matches my cute new boots. Mission Accomplished."