Yesterday my cute friend told me he liked my nail polish.
Usually this would be normal. When someone says, "I like your nail polish" they're talking about reds and pinks... maybe with an occasional white or black. Fingernail polish is like Valentine's Day: Heavy on the loving colors. But my fingernails are not lovey and cute. They are blue. Like the color of a mood ring.
I'm not sure why they are blue. I just got tired of the whites and the blacks and the reds and the pinks... even the browns, and the orange I tried stained my nails a heinous barf color for weeks. I know blue fingernail polish is ugly, but I like it anyway and I am wearing it like a proud, proud woman and it matches my outfit every single day I wear jeans. I know it's not the norm, but I am not ashamed.
I am not afraid of blue nail polish.